The Waterboy Momma Was Wrong Again Meme

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File:Waterboy ver1.jpg

The Waterboy is a 1998 flick starring Adam Sandler and Henry Winkler. Sandler plays Bobby Boucher (pronounced Boo-SHAY), is a socially inept (simply likewise intelligent), stuttering water male child with hidden anger issues due to abiding teasing and his mother'south excessive sheltering. It is discovered that Bobby's anger issues make him an extrordinary football game player. This transfers to the coach and the remainder of the team on the terminal game.

Tropes Include:

  • Accidental Athlete
  • Alliterative Proper name: Bobby Boucher, Vicky Vallencourt (the 3rd of Adam's "V-proper noun" girlfriends), Motorcoach Klein, Farmer Fran, Guy Grenouille
  • Artistic License Biology: Bobby tackles his biology professor over the fact that alligators go ornery considering of their enlarged medulla oblongata, leading to more aggressive emotions, instead of Mama Boucher'due south explanation that "they got all them teeth and no toothbrush". They're both wrong, considering the medulla oblongata has absolutely nothing to do with emotions, being responsible for breathing and eye rate. The amygdala is responsible for emotions.
  • Ax Crazy: Vicky.
    • Not really, just to anyone who threatens Bobby.
  • Berserk Button: The tagline in the affiche above says it all. And requite insulting his mother a try, I cartel you, I double cartel you...
  • Beware the Dainty Ones
  • Bilingual Bonus: Guy Grenouille'due south terminal proper name is French for "Frog".
  • Black Best Friend: Derek, the only member of the Muddogs who Bobby gets forth with.
  • Book Impaired: Apparently, Bobby'south lack of mutual cognition is a issue of his sheltered upbringing, rather than some learning disability.
  • Broken Record: "Last game of the year, Brent. Can't concord anything dorsum now...", eventually making Brent say "We know, we know...".
  • Butt Monkey: Colonel Sanders
    • Bobby had been constantly abused throughout his life.
  • Calling Mama Out: Bobby only about had it with his female parent.


Bobby: Everything is the devil to you lot, Mama! Well, I similar school, and I like football game! And I'm gonna proceed doin' them both because they make me feel good! (walks towards the door) And by the manner, Mama. Alligators are ornery 'cause of their "medulla oblongata"! (walks out, then back in again) And I like Vicki, and she like me back! (almost in tears past this point) And she showed me her boobies and I like them too! (slams the door on Mama)!


  • The Cameo: Manager Frank Coraci plays Bobby's father.
  • Captain Ersatz - If you didn't notice the professor strongly resembled Colonel Sanders, one of the characters points it out.
  • Chekhov MIA: Bobby's dad.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Jitney Klein, always since Coach Red stole his playbook. His start reaction was calling his grandma on a disconnected phone while wearing loftier heels.
  • Coattail-Riding Relative: Bobby's dad tries to coast on his success at the very end of the moving-picture show. Momma tackles him instead.
  • Comically Missing the Signal: With a bit of Literal Minded, when Bobby's at a political party:


Rita: Is there a girl you're seein'?

Bobby: Seein'? Uh, I come across a lot of girls... I see a lot of guys too.

Rita: (Beat) I retrieve that's sexy. You ever been with a guy and girl at the aforementioned time?

Bobby: Oh, yes, enough of times. The other night I was with my Mama and Double-decker Klein at the same fourth dimension.


  • Deadpan Snarker: It may be tough to see information technology under the speech impediment at commencement, merely Bobby is definitely one.


 (Bobby reads a note from the Suggestion Box that says "Eat sh** and die!")

Bobby: ...Non exactly what I'd telephone call constructive criticism...

(Bobby is watching Dick Clark on New year'south Eve)

Bobby: Wait who'due south on TV, Mama. It's the Devil.

(Meaney, a huge defensive end, is chosen in every bit a running back in an attempt to neutralize Bobby)


Bobby: Yous sound similar a big choo-choo train"


  • Deep South: Specifically, Louisiana.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: Bobby calls Coach Klein "Mr. Coach Klein".
  • Inability Superpower: Bobby's anger problems transferring to super strength.
  • Disappeared Dad: Bobby'due south begetter Robert died of aridity in a desert while serving in the Peace Corps.
    • His dad was really someone who left for some other woman. He gets his comeuppance in the end.
  • Expy: Bobby Boucher shares a speech impediment (one which Sandler overcame himself), obsession with water, and a few personality traits with one of Sandler'due south Sabbatum Nighttime Live characters, Bottle Male child.
    • They could be the aforementioned character. He may have done some canteen jobs on the side.
    • Strangely, though, Bobby has no real traits in common with Cajun Man, another of Sandler's characters.
    • Bobby likewise shares the aforementioned voice every bit The Excited Southerner, a character from Sandler'southward anthology What the Hell Happened To Me?.
    • Bobby seems to also be an extremely broad parody of Forrest Gump, a Southern mama's male child and manchild turned college football star
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Mama Boucher, until Bobby finds out from onetime letters that her first name is Helen.
  • Center Poke: Because "Captain Insano shows no mercy."
  • Fan Disservice: Farmer Fran's pierced nipples.
  • Strange Queasine: Mama Boucher's meals, which include grilled alligators and a huge serpent.
  • The Fundamentalist / Fantasy Forbidding Female parent: Mama Boucher.
  • Gretzky Has the Brawl: Autobus Klein forging Bobby's transcript would get the school punk-slapped by the NCAA and easily cost them the entire flavor'south worth of wins.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: In-Universe. When Mama Boucher argues with Vicky Vallencourt after dinner, Mama says "Nobody'due south gonna have him away, especially non some godless Jezebel like you!". This sounds like yet some other attempt to smother Bobby, but later on, she reveals that Bobby'southward father abandoned them to be with "a voodoo woman named Phyllis.".
  • Hey, It'due south That Guy!: The Fonz as Jitney Klein.
    • The Big Show, or The Behemothic, as he was known every bit back and so, every bit Captain Insano.
    • And, of course, Rob Schneider as the Townie.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: Coach Klein forged Bobby'southward schoolhouse transcript then that he could play and so he could help them both.
  • It Runs in The Family: At the pic's end Bobby's dad finds out that Mama has her own little vault of pent upward rage.
  • Jerkass: Coach Scarlet and the whole Louisiana Cougars team. Besides, most of Bobby's teammates, at first.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Coach Red Beaulieu, who tormented Bobby in his youth and stole the playbook from Coach Klein for his own purposes. So it's just natural the 2 of them would accept him down in the end. To elaborate: he lost the Championship game to a farm team run by the coach he screwed over, who'd never won a game until they brought on the waterboy he'd fired earlier.
  • Mad Libs Catchphrase: This trope is the devil!
  • My Beloved Smother: Though not without expert reason.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Bobby Boucher after his mom was in the hospital. He blames himself and feels guilty because she was the only person to ever intendance almost him. She was faking it.
    • And his mama gets this minor moment when she realizes that she made Bobby abandon his friends. Though we only come across that during the new years.
  • My Greatest Failure: Coach Klein regrets not standing up to Coach Cherry when he originally stole his playbook.
  • One-Scene Wonder: Paul Wight, aka The Big Show, as "Helm Insane-O", who laughs so hard at the idea of Bobby being his waterboy that he cries.
  • Playing Confronting Type: The coolest of absurd Fonzie plays a loser.
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: "The Medulla Ob-Lon-Ga-Ta!"
    • "Gentlemen, this brings me to my side by side point: Don't. Smoke. Crack."
  • Ragin Cajun: The "Cajun" function is manner off, but is what they were going for, at least.
  • Screams Like a Niggling Daughter: Coach Klein, subsequently Jitney Reddish revealed that Bobby'due south school transcript was a fake and hid under his desk-bound and "cried like a x year onetime girl!".
  • Thermal Dissonance
  • This Loser Is You: The Mud Dogs squad before Bobby joined.


Guy Grenouille: I don't desire that asshole on the team! Everybody'south gonna laugh at us!

Lyle Robideaux: Everybody's already laughing at us. We haven't won a game since 1994.


  • Those Two Guys: Walter and Paco


Paco: Expect at Bobby tackle. I haven't seen a tackle like that since Joe Montana.

Water: Joe Montana was a quarterback, you idiot.

Paco: I said Joe Mantegna.


  • Unnecessary Roughness
  • The Unintelligible: Farmer Fran.


 "We lib to play annundeh."


  • Was It All a Lie?: Mama Boucher revealed the truth about his begetter: He left for New Orleans to brand some coin to support his family. But after two weeks, he "deserted" them to exist with his ii new loves: big urban center-livin' and a "voodoo woman named Phyllis". And changed his name to Roberto. She lied to him about his begetter because she was afraid Bobby would leave her too, thus the reason why she sheltered him all his life.
  • Your Mom: In one game, Bobby wishes an opposing player good luck in the next play, but the actor rudely tells him "I'll be playin' with yo mama tonight.", making Bobby ominously mutter "62", his jersey's number. In the play, Bobby intercepts the ball, but idiotically gives it dorsum to that player, who takes for a touchdown, beating the Muddogs. Though Bobby roughhouses him anyhow.


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