Where Did James Potter Get the Invisibility Cloak

The Invisibility Cloak Symbol Icon

The rare and valuable Invisibility Cloak, which makes the wearer invisible, represents the necessity of breaking the rules in order to do what is right. The Cloak belonged to Harry's father, James, but then came into Dumbledore's possession after James died, and Dumbledore is the one who anonymously gifts it to Harry. By giving Harry the cloak, Dumbledore is essentially encouraging—or at least allowing—Harry to break the rules when he feels that it is necessary. Harry dons the cloak for the first time when tries to go to the Restricted Section of the library late at night to find out information about Nicolas Flamel, believing that information about Flamel is the key to figuring out—and protecting—whatever is under the trapdoor in the forbidden corridor. Harry and Hermione also use the cloak when they drop off Norbert with Charlie's friends so that Hagrid won't get in trouble for keeping an illegal dragon. And, in the ultimate instance of breaking the rules for the sake of doing what's right, Harry, Ron, and Hermione don the cloak on the night that they try to prevent the Sorcerer's Stone from being stolen.

The Invisibility Cloak Symbol Timeline in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

The timeline below shows where the symbol The Invisibility Cloak appears in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.

Rules and Rebellion Theme Icon

...last present, which contains a "shining, silvery cloth." Ron is in awe: it's an Invisibility Cloak, which he says is extremely rare. Harry throws on the Cloak, and his body disappears... (full context)

Power, Greed, and Desire Theme Icon

Rules and Rebellion Theme Icon

In bed, the Invisibility Cloak still nags at Harry, as well as the note: "Use it well." He pulls out... (full context)

Rules and Rebellion Theme Icon

...He passes Filch in the doorway, trying to be as quiet as possible under the Cloak. Suddenly, he sees Snape come around the corner, saying that they can catch the intruder.... (full context)

Love, Family, and Friendship Theme Icon

Power, Greed, and Desire Theme Icon

...out of the way, but a noise in the corridor startles them. Ron throws the Cloak over them as Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris, enters. When she leaves, Ron pulls Harry out... (full context)

Rules and Rebellion Theme Icon

...to Norbert and Harry and Hermione carry him up to the castle under the Invisibility Cloak. In the hall, they see Professor McGonagall giving Malfoy detention and taking twenty points from... (full context)

Rules and Rebellion Theme Icon

...Filch emerges from the darkness, and Harry and Hermione realize that they have left the Cloak at the top of the tower. (full context)

Power, Greed, and Desire Theme Icon

Rules and Rebellion Theme Icon

...goes to bed exhausted, but when he pulls back his sheets, he finds the Invisibility Cloak waiting for him. The note pinned to it says, "Just in case." (full context)

Humility and Self-Sacrifice Theme Icon

Rules and Rebellion Theme Icon

...Harry is right, and decide to go with him. That night, they take the Invisibility Cloak and the flute that Hagrid gave Harry for Christmas—but there's one hitch. Neville is waiting... (full context)

Humility and Self-Sacrifice Theme Icon

Rules and Rebellion Theme Icon

Harry then asks who left the Invisibility Cloak for him; Dumbledore reveals that it was him, and that he thought it would be... (full context)

Humility and Self-Sacrifice Theme Icon

...wanted to give Harry a chance, teaching him just enough to help them (the Invisibility Cloak, the information about the Mirror) rather than stopping them. (full context)

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Where Did James Potter Get the Invisibility Cloak

Source: https://www.litcharts.com/lit/harry-potter-and-the-sorcerer-s-stone/symbols/the-invisibility-cloak

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